Serving Rancho Bernardo and 4S Ranch Martial Arts need’s for the past 15 years!
Our school sits right in between Rancho Bernardo and 4S Ranch at the business park off of Camino del Sur. We share the building with Redline Athletics, which is also dedicated to developing young athletes both physically and mentally.
Build Confidence and Self-Control through our fitness programs. Designed specifically to teach practical self defense 4S Ranch and RB families can practice together! 4S Ranch and Rancho Bernardo are very safe communities, that’s why we live here! But Self defense classes offer so much more for your family. Learning the confidence you need to not only fight off an attacker but stay calm in a confrontation. Martial arts can give you the mental training you need to face the challenges you may have in life, even if it’s from the safety of our 4S Ranch and Rancho Bernardo communities.
West Coast Martial Arts has two branches, one right between 4S Ranch & Rancho Bernardo, as well as Encinitas! You can get a traditional karate 4S Ranch workout one day and hop over to Encinitas for a kickboxing class the next day. If you live in the middle feel free to train at either location! Martial Arts can be a catalyst for self improvement and character development.
Want to improve your kids focus 4S Ranch and RB parents? But not quite sure how to do that? With so many “digital distractions” it can be difficult to compete. Children in 4S Ranch & RB have so many extracurricular activities, but we feel taking kids away from distractions and into their bodies helps improve their self-control and discipline much more. Students can learn to focus on their whole bodies, and then zone in on one part, like their karate front kick, or their wrestling double leg. I think any coach in 4S Ranch would agree kids who are coachable grow faster!
Our RB & 4S Ranch Kids Karate program is what we are known for. We love teaching martial arts, but teaching young children how to control their bodies and minds can have a lasting impact for the rest of their lives. We don’t just focus on teaching kids karate, we want them to thrive in all areas of life, it’s for that reason we have dedicated ourselves to developing kids’ mental health. We have developed a program for kids martial arts Rancho Bernardo and 4S families can count on for results.